These are rough times and it is my mission to offer you something that helps you to anchor into a greater force of wisdom. We are being bombarded with information, some of it well meaning and some of it misleading. Some of it may even be false! It’s hard to come to any sense of clarity and inner peace when your nervous system is on overdrive. I say STOP THE NOISE!

If you are social distancing, are stuck in an apartment or your home in a city, suburb or the country, you can make the decision to turn off all media. Light a candle, some incense or anoint yourself with a flower essence and or a drop of essential oil in a carrier oil on your third eye, heart or belly.  (Remember to use only a little at a time of an essential oil because they are highly concentrated.) Take a comfortable seat.

Call in Universal Intelligence, God, Goddess, Source, Divine Self, Greater Wisdom, Wisdom of Nature or whatever you feel connects you to something beyond your human ego.

You might notice your thoughts feel like a traffic jam in NYC. Don’t judge, use your breath to bring yourself down into your body.  A simple, slow, deep inhale that expands your abdomen and a longer breath out of your mouth a few times can help.

From here, put your hands in prayer position over your heart. I focus on light, whatever color soothes the soul (I often see gold, pink or green) emanating from my hands and then extending around and through the rest of my body.

If quieting your mind is difficult for you, don’t pile more judgement or frustration on. Just gently re-direct your awareness to the light around your hands, etc.

If you need some help from the flowers, White Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a Bach Flower Remedy that is widely available for purchase to help quiet your mind and get back into your body. You can purchase it online and in many healthfood stores if you have access to a local healthfood store that is open.

I have used White Chestnut to help stop the pattern of worry, looping thoughts and overthinking. Having some trouble sleeping because you can’t stop the thoughts, I have been there! I have found White Chestnut to help with this.