Winter is often associated with the element of Earth. When I think of the Earth element expressing itself, I think of both minerals and trees. Since my expertise and experience is with and about plants, I’d love to offer you a some tidbits of tree flower wisdom.

Tree energy actually feels to have all the elements; earth and air nurtured by water (rain) and fire (sun). Tree flower essences provide the benefit of grounding we all need to feel embodied, clear, calm and connected. Not feeling grounded can manifest as an overanalyzing mind with looping thoughts, a feeling of distraction, disorientation or a numbness to emotions and our sensorial experience. Here are three tree flower essences that can help you to experience life like a tree; naturally reaching toward the heavens while being quietly rooted and connected to others in the web of life.

Larch or Larix decidua (photo above) is a conifer tree whose flowers are used for feeling grounded in a strong sense of self. Larch flower essence promotes self confidence in interactions and with creative expression. The red flower indicates that it helps balance the root chakra. The chakras are wheels of energy talked about in yogic philosophy. There are seven (main) chakras and each one influences and correlates with our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual experiences.

Balsam Fir or Abies balsamea trees grow here in the Northeastern U.S. Many people associate them with Christmas and Winter Solstice. They are commonly brought inside homes and decorated to celebrate these holidays. Their fragrance evokes a sense of good cheer, celebration and uplift during the cold, dark winter months. A flower essence made from Balsam Fir grounds, balances, uplifts and inspires.

As I drive down the country roads in my area in late February and early March, sugaring buckets hang from the Sugar Maple trees (Acer Sacharum). The Sugar Maples are being tapped for the sap that can be cooked down into maple syrup. Sugar Maple flower essence is another essence that nurtures the root chakra. The root chakra is associated with birth and early childhood, feeling safe, nurtured and secure. The essence of Sugar Maple gently heals the energy field when there is trauma and disconnection to the body and emotions that may come from a lack of nurturing and security early on in our life. Sugar Maple’s gift energetically is to nourish by giving it’s sweet, grounding mother goddess energy.