If you are a body worker, healing practitioner or a natural health and healing enthusiast, I want to introduce you to the essence of a common plant that you can begin using with your clients, family or self. Dandelion!

I listed a couple of ways that dandelion leaves and roots have been traditionally used for wellness in my last blog post. There are many more uses and so I encourage you to dive deeper into dandelion. It is a plant that grows in such abundance that it has been categorized as an invasive. Dandelions are easily accessible and there is no risk of endangering a plant population by using it for your wellness.

Let’s talk a bit about dandelion flower essence.

Dandelions can easily take over the lawn and they are tenaciously rooted in the earth wherever they take up residence. The dandelion flower is a burst of bright yellow. It is a blossom that embodies the energy of the sun. If we look at the chakra association here, the yellow color of dandelion is associated with the solar plexus. The solar plexus (Manipura) is located in the upper abdomen, below the chest. The solar plexus is the chakra of personal power and will. Dandelion flower essence helps balance excess energy in the solar plexus also known as excess yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine. What creates this imbalance? Overstriving, overambition and being physically hard driving. A milder version of this excess would be inner tension (perhaps due to perfectionism) or anxiety that manifests in muscular tension.

Dandelion flower essence eases muscle tension by balancing the excess yang energy that created the tension. Self awareness and increased inner ease may decrease the occurence of muscular tension especially when it is chronic. The essence of dandelion makes a nice addition to a massage cream or spray for topical use. Of course, as with all flower essences, dandelion essence is a safe, non-toxic remedy that can be taken internally as well.

Dandelion flower essence is an easy essence to start with. If you are experiencing muscular tension that you are aware is related to stress, this is the perfect essence for you. It can also be used in deeper work to clear patterns of chronic stress. This is where getting help from a flower essence practitioner comes in. Making a commitment to change and grow is the first step in the healing journey with flowers. Combination essences taken over a period of time can peel the layers of limiting patterns that have kept you from blooming.